Sex Friendly Hosting - Website Hosting Provider You Can Rely On
A good hosting provider is not one that offers moderate prices, but one that provides a seamless, user-friendly service. Sex Friendly Hosting specializes in the latter - we offer a 99.9 percent uptime guarantee and we have an excellent customer support team, which will be at your disposal 24/7. Our website hosting packages include the easy-to-use Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, which is loaded with free-of-charge tools that will help you launch a brand new web site very quickly.
A Lightning-Fast Hosting Control Panel
Our Hosting Control Panel is fast, very responsive and very user-friendly. It offers you total control over your website(s) and domain name(s). Using drag-and-drop and point-and-click actions, you can easily control everything connected to your site.
A Web Apps Installer
The Web Apps Installer tool gives you the ability to quickly install more than 40 popular web applications, among them Joomla, WordPress, Drupal and many more, with just one click. You don't need to download anything or create a database - our tool will do all the work for you.
Free-of-Charge Web Site Templates
Instead of investing time and resources and waiting for a web designer to build your web site, we offer a much faster solution in the shape of 300+ web design themes. They can be installed with only several simple mouse clicks and will help you launch your site in minutes.
A 24/7/365 Customer Support Service
Our customer care service is backed up by a one-hour response time guarantee - irrespective of what the question is, our helpdesk team members will respond in less than 60 minutes. And they are available 24x7x365.